As I write this section I am sitting in the blazing temperatures of Orlando, Florida vacationing with my family in Disney. During my week here, one thing keeps popping back into my mind, that one thing is “back to school.” I keep thinking about the many things I have still to accomplish, but more importantly the many important things that students and parents can do to ensure a successful start to the school year. I thought I would take this month's issue to address some of my “back to school” recommendations for parents and students.
First, parents this is the best time to sit with your daughter or son and clearly go over their performance last school year. It is the best time to discuss those results before you head into the start of another school year. You should both clearly lay out some goals together and then periodically check on your child's progress as the school year goes along. Let me warn you though first, please don't make the goals just about academic performance but make sure you include behavior as well.
Parents, August is also a great time to revisit what is necessary for “back to school” shopping. I often times see many of my students coming to school with the latest and greatest clothing and footwear, but with no book bags, pens or calculators. I know it's important to look good, but if you don't have school supplies from the onset, then your telling your teachers and administrators that it's more important that you look good rather than be prepared for school. If you don't know what's needed for your school, then call them up and ask for a “back to school” supply list. I am sure they would love to provide one for you, but you can never go wrong with lots of notebooks, pens, folders and pencils.
Parents, I will stop here but I cannot emphasize it enough that our students don't hear it enough at home that being successful in school is the most important thing in their lives and that everything else will fall in place once they are successful in school.
Now, some words of advice to the students of Rochester. Let me first start out by saying I hope you have enjoyed your summer, but I also hope you have spent some time thinking about how you will continue your successes or improve on your past performance in school. I will keep my recommendations short and focused really around a couple of things, all which surprisingly you can control.
My first word of advice to you is that you take some time before school and get use to being on a schedule. What do I mean by a schedule? Well, what I mean is that you go to bed at a reasonable hour (no later then 10 P.M.) and that you wake up with the use of an alarm clock. Getting your body in a routine similar to school will help ensure that you are ready to start your school day fully engaged.
My next piece of advice is that you start to read daily, especially if you haven't been doing this at all this summer. I don't care what you read, it could be something that interests you like a good novel or a magazine. What matters to your teachers is that you are reading daily. Unfortunately for you reading alone won't do it and you must take the time to also practice your writing. Again, I am not asking for much, but after you read something take the time to write a quick blurb about what you just read, or maybe it's a paragraph asking some questions that you have about the article or book. The combination of both elements will determine your overall success in school and in life.
Now for my final recommendation for all of you students as you get ready to head back to school. Take the time to take advantage of all the programs, support and opportunities your school has to offer. School is about you, it's not about the adults that work there. In fact, many of them are there to guarantee that you succeed, but they cannot do it without your willingness to succeed in school. Regardless of whatever obstacles you face, school is the one place that can help you move beyond them but you have to want it. I will leave you with this final piece of advice. I can show you all that needs to be done in order to succeed in school, but you the parent and student must take what I give you and actually do it! If you do your part, then the rest will fall into place. Have a great start of the school year and remember to start getting ready now!
¡Viviendo el Sueño! (Living the Dream!)
Mr. Anibal Soler, Jr.