Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oprah's Town Hall

I was priviliged enough to watch Oprah's two part Town Hall series courtesy of my DVR (digital video recorder).

Oprah Winfrey did a two part Town Hall special, focusing on Don Imus's comments and she invited a vast array of guest speakers as part of the committee. The focus was on the use of language towards women and women of color.

The show was very thought provoking and raised a numerous amount of questions in my mind that, I hope they will be answered with time.

My questions are:
What will actually be done to change the language in the music industry?
What will Oprah do to show some accountability on why she had created the forum in the first place?
What will be done in education with our students who view this hip hop culture as the proper way to speak and live in today's society?
Will there be any additional pressure placed on the government and community members to address the underlying issues of poverty?

Lastly, I think of my students. I think of the effect that hip-hop and rap have on them. My students always wear the latest fashions they see in music videos. My students always know the latest slang and street terminology. My students spend so much time and energy in reproducing the behaviors they see. If only the time and energy was spent equally on education. If only they realized that it was just music they were listening to, and not a right of passage.

The debate will continue, and I will end with saying this; When we take care of the social inequities that currently exist in place in our society, then rap artist and others will not have the right to blame their lyrics on society.

Living the Dream!

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